Phew, I have just finished my new pixie pockets and I am really pleased with the result. I think they look cute and are kind of fun.
The pockets are inspired by the pixie Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. My daughter has been driving us mad recently watching the Disney movie of Peter Pan over and over. I have to say I have seen it so much now, I am hoping that Captain Hook finally gets that pesky Pan. But that problem aside, Tink has inspired me to create little bags.
The pocket shape is based on Macadamia nuts (also known as Queensland nuts). The fabric of choice is felt in a variety of bright colours with running stitch embroidery on some edges. I have decorated them with felt flowers and buttons. The rope handles are finished with ribbon on the ends .
The pockets are petite and even kid sized. I can imagine filling them with Easter eggs in an Easter egg hunt, or with a special gift or chocolate to give to someone special. You could even fill them with lavender or pot pouri and hang them on the wall for a splash of colour and scent. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.