"I need more bookshelves to store my craft magazines", says I. "Can you make me one?", I ask my dad.
"Why don't you just get rid of the old magazines?" he replies, and therein we come to the problem.
The world is divided into people who hoard and people who cull. I am one and my dad falls into the second group. They just don't understand.
I am an avid craft magazine collector. I want the whole collection of Handmade Magazine, Homespun Magazine, Threads Magazine, Country Patchwork and Stitching Magazine, Country Craft and Decorating Magazine, Country Threads, and the list goes on, and on, and on...
I am constantly searching for missing back issues at op shops and at the fabulous Lifeline Bookfest held a couple of times each year. I love reading and rereading them. I am constantly finding new and different ways to appreciate each issue and as my craft evolves so the magazines continue to give me more. This means that getting rid of so called old magazines just won't work.
How does this relate to my Sashiko Squares Tote Bag I hear you ask. Well, I am very pleased with how this bag has turned out and wanted to share it with you but I wanted to recognise the work of the designer and the source of the inspiration.
The Sashiko Squares Tote Bag is adapted from a design by Yvonne Reid that appeared in Handmade Magazine a few years ago. The design originally called for country fabric squares quilted and joined to form the tote. I decided to use a collection of Sashiko (or Japanese country quilting) designs I had embroidered some time ago with some scraps of blue and red Japanese craft prints. I changed the handles. The bag now I think is fab, and I have an excuse to look through my craft mags on the weekend (to try and find the reference). Well done me!