Today I arrived home and opened a package sent from a wonderful lady called Sharon I met online. Sharon is from the ABC Doll Club and she had sent me the most beautiful gift for Christmas (curse Australia Post in their slowness). The gift contained a fabulous Barbie T and cap (already snaffled by my daughter), some yummy clothes as modeled by one of my preloved Barbie finds, and finally the most radiant and stunning Barbie resplendent in pale blue satin with a Wintery treat stole. I was gobsmacked and speechless when I received this gift, particularly as Sharon had been so kind to me already. You see, I met Sharon through the marvelous ABC Doll Club: Websitehttp://www.abcdoll.org/index.html , because I was seeking help with a hairy question: how do you fix the hair of preloved dolls who are having a bad hair day. I wanted to rescue old Barbies and make them like new again but this meant fixing cut, matted and missing hair. I contacted the Doll Hospital only to be told that it is not worth fixing hair, its better to replace heads (how painful). I explored online and came across the ABC doll Site. It was so helpful. They have links and information on re rooting doll hair as well as lots of hint and tips, galleries, and so much more. Through the club site I found a local lady to get the equipment to do the reroot and I used the tutorials available though the ABC Doll site to complete the task. I was stoked at the two dolls I did. The pictures are in one of my older posts. I let Sharon know how helpful the site was. I got involved in the online forums which are full of insightful not to mention entertaining doll chat. And now Sharon has just sent me this wonderful gift. I am humbled by the generosity and caring natures of our great online community. Sharon, I am sending some of my paper dolls your way. I hope you like them half as much as I love your gift.