After the feast of the book I have been recovering from over the last few days, it is time to reveal some of the fantastic finds I made at the Lifeline Bookfest on Saturday. As you can see my dining table is groaning form the bag loads of fantastic treats. I got more than 150 magazine on craft, sewing and dolls. I have enough paperbacks to last several months on train rides, and I captured an enormous pile of pop-up kids books (one of my passions).
The biggest thing I got was a kid's book containing a 1.2m long pop-up space shuttle, the weirdest a wonderful wooden book containing handmade blank sheets of paper, and the most frightening - a paper doll of Barbara Bush (George W's mum) in her undies (this is not pictured because some things are best not experienced).
The prices were as always amazing. With kid's books at 4 for $1.00, I managed to grab lots of decoupage materials - and I've just started applying the first of the fairy tale book images to my new dolly cupboard (more to come next time).
If you haven't been you've still got until Sunday. Who knows I may even go back!
the posts of the dolls are beautiful too ...