Yesterday I whipped up this apron and I have to say I am pleased with the result. The apron consists of the front panel of an old pair of jeans I had previously used the back of for another project. The jeans front is simply slit and rejoined flat and then a small insert of additional denim from further down the pants leg is added. Edges are left unseamed and will fray over time nicely (just a line of stitching is added).
The additional pockets came from an old men's op-shop shirt I had used part of for something else and are just right with their tab tops. The apron ties at the back come from the cuff bottoms of two jeans legs inserted into the gaps at the waistband. Total cost = $o. Total time around 1 hour (including forraging through overstuffed boxes to find the bits in my work room). Not a bad use of a Sunday morning and I can even attach my keys to the belt keepers on the apron. I can't wait to use it now!
