After a long break from Blogging, my creative juices are starting to run over and I have the need to write about it and share.
I have been busy recently creating my own pattern designs to sew and stitch. I have been lucky enough to become a contributor to the wonderful Australian craft publications "Creating Country Threads" and "Patchwork and Stitching", and I have had several of my doll and stitchery patterns printed this year. I'd love you to check out the magazines. They are "Creating Country Threads" Vol 12 No 4 and Vol 12 No 7, and "Patchwork and Stitching" Vol 12 No 9 and Vol 12 No 10.
Pop into you local newsagency to see the current issues of each or go to the Craftlovers website: http://www.craftlovers.com/
I have also been trying my hand at designing fabric. I am using the services of Spoonflower, a great service for those who need to make their own fabric. I am very pleased with the initial results.
Here are some finished pieces I made up from my Carnival Dolls Trio and Babushka Floral Gal.

I am especially pleased with the way the Carnival dolls go together. I have printed fronts and backs.
All you need to do is:
1. line up the fronts and backs on a lightbox or window,
2. mark a stitching line at the edge of the design using a 2B pencil,
3. stitch around the design with a small stitch leaving a 2cm opening on the leg
4. Trim back to 5mm seam allowance (with pinking sheers is best)
5. Turn through using a chop stick
6. Fill with clean filling to you desired firmness
7. Stitch close the turning hole
8. Enjoy.....

Check out my designs on Spoonflower: http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/sharlenejm