This tutorial is a companion to my earlier tutorial on drawing a female doll face (
I have created a simple four step way to create a fast and effective male cloth doll face.
The key in making the doll different between male and female is to make the features for the male more angular and wider, and to chose a more restricted colour pallet with less colour above the eye and on the lips. The eyebrows are heavier and the lips are not highlighted with shine. The eyes are squarer as are the lips. Refer to the photo to see the differences in a male a female doll I've completed recently.
The method uses a limited group of colours - a sharp HB pencil, a Pigma Micron 01 fabric pen in brown, Prismacolour fabric pencils in Burnt Ochre PC943, Tuscan Red PC937, and Goldenrod 1034, and a Gellyroll White fabric marker.
Here are the 4 steps (note I have drawn each separately rather than progressively so there a little variations in one face to the next - artistic imperfections would be a description).
Step 1: Lightly draw or trace the face using a sharp HB pencil. Keep the detail limited. This is really about getting the position of features and size right. You can rub them off if they are not quite right. Now mark the face in brown using a Pigma Micron 01 fabric pen. I like to mark the eyes first and from the inside to the outside of the top lid, then the bottom of the eye in two stokes one from each side to meet in the middle at the bottom. I mark the irises next with a dot.
I like to mark the lips from the centre and do one half of top lip and then other half. Finally I mark the lower lip in one stroke.

Step 2: I add colour to the eyeballs and the lips. The eyelid I mark a strong line of Tuscan Red (its really a dark foxy brown and great for brown eyes) all around the edge of the eyeball. I mark the lips using Burnt Ochre and one strong stroke at the top middle and bottom middle of the lip shapes. I shade the eyes and lips next. To shade the eyes, I work in a wheel spoke type pattern from outside of eye to inside of eye lightening the stroke as I go to make the inner eye a little paler. I mark the eyes in Tuscan Red. I also shade the lips from outside to inside using Burnt Ochre with the stroke becoming gentler and lighter as I move to centre of the lip.

Step 3: I add colour variation to the eyes and lips. This is by adding a little touch of Goldenrod to both the eyes and the lips. For the eyes mark a line of Goldenrod around the iris and blend it into the Tuscan Red a little. For the lip blend a little Goldenrod into the lip centre and fade it outwards. I also add a line of Goldenrod under the eyebrows, along the top of the eye, on the base of the nose and just below the lips.

Step 4: Add depth to the face. I add dots of Gellyroll white pen to the eyes on the right side of the iris both from the same direction - I am assuming my lightsource for the face is from the right. A with add shape to sides of the nose with shading of Goldenrod and shade a little Goldenrod to the cheeks using another piece of fabric with some Goldenrod drawn on and then rubbed in using your finger under the fabric scrap.

You are now done! Don't forget to press your face (under a cloth) to set the colours.